Najnowsze wiadomości

Archbishop Leo's Message for Canada Day
Message for Canada Day 2024 His Grace Most Reverend Francis Leo Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto ...
+Leo COA Square
+Leo COA Square
Message of Archbishop Leo on Devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
  Message of His Grace Most Reverend Francis Leo Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto on Devotion to the...
Archbishop Leo Travels to Oshawa Parishes
On Sunday, May 26, 2024, the Most Reverend Francis Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto, travelled to St. Gregory...
Archbishop Leo Travels East to Visit Oshawa Parishes
Youth Ministers
And that's a Wrap! Youth Ministers Review and Reflect on Pastoral Ministry Season
On Thursday, June 20, youth ministers from across the Archdiocese of Toronto came together to take a look...

Video Block
You can source and display any video in this block from YouTube or Vimeo. It can be a Mass, reflection or promotional video for an event at your parish or the Archdiocese
Odwiedź nas
2950 Midland Avenue
Scarborough, ON
M1S 3K8

Adres biura/korespondencyjny
2950 Midland Avenue
Scarborough, ON
M1S 3K8

t:  416.298.6500

Rev. Antonio Resende Pereira S.C.J.

Rev. Manuel Duterte
Hospital Chaplain

Rev. Ravi Tete HGN
Hospital Chaplain

Placeholder (Story)
Sample Story #1
Similar to the rotator, these story blocks allow you to highlight information that is important to your parishioners. While this information isn’t as critical as the information you put in the rotator, this gives the parish the opportunity to highlight pages that you feel are important but hidden on your site. These content blocks can be hidden if it they aren’t being used.
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Sample Story #2
Similar to the rotator, these story blocks allow you to highlight information thatis important to your parishioners. While this information isn’t as critical as theinformation you put in the rotator, this gives the parish the opportunity to highlightpages that you feel are important but hidden on your site.These content blocks can be hidden if it they aren’t being used.
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Placeholder (Story)

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Contact Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Scarborough
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